As an independent commodity trading and logistic house, Petrogress is at the forefront of the oil industry. We use our knowledge in sea-transportation and commodities trading, moving our products where they’re needed. We develop markets, investing in storage terminals, upstream and midstream;
From source, by sea to end-users is our operations, while physical trading and shipping of oil is the core of our business.
We transact our business operations within our group and third parties by maximizing productivity in all parts of our Group. We have made strategic investments to develop assets that strengthen our entire operations. Our investments and wholly-owned assets provide greater control over the oil sourcing and shipping, create a foundation for diversified income streams and give us a significant competitive advantage in the areas we operate.
Today we are an energy integrate company committed to transformation and this has resulted our re-organization and the expansion of our operations.
Petrogress Int’l llc., is a Delaware corporation. The company has been expanding operations to become a greater factor in the oil business through its direct affiliates branches locations and partnerships. The company is the major partner of Petrogres Africa Co. Ltd., and the sole owner of pg-cypyard & offshore terminal services co. ltd., a Cyprian entity, in order to provide service to offshore platforms...
Petrogress Oil Trade, operates as the oil commodity integrate and merchant trader of petroleum products. We combines regional market knowledge and reliable reputation to trade and move petroleum products within West Africa and Mediterranean countries. With strategic investment in assets, the company has strong platform to enable...
Petronav Carriers llc., is a Delaware corporation which manages and operates an in-house fleet of crude oil carriers. Petonav’s management team holds substantial combined shipping industry experience in operating and technical aspects on the business and ensures leading the company on a foundation of safe, cost- and energy- efficient and environmentally-friendly practices...
Thanks to our innovative sourcing on the place we have achieved important results throughout the areas we operate in West Africa. We negotiate offtake agreements with oil producers and suppliers, working through our offices on our locations. ..
Read MoreCommodities are not always produced close to where there is demand. Physical traders act as distributors, supplying clients and moving the products around the world. We retain our edge by continually improving our shipping…
Read MoreRefining includes the supply, processing, distribution and marketing of petroleum products. During our trading operations of crude oil to refineries, we took the opportunity to understand specific requirements and preferences …
Read MoreFrom the transportation and storage of feedstock to oil refineries wholesales and distribution to retailers. Our work is based on passion and innovation. We believe in the long term partnerships with our customers…
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