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Petrogress is determined to operate pursuant to applicable laws and maintain the highest reputation for integrity in its business practices. As a Petrogress employee or director, you are expected to conduct your business affairs in an ethical and legal manner, consistent with your duties and responsibilities to Petrogress.

This Code of Corporate Conduct and Ethics (“Code”) is intended to provide you with a clear understanding of the principles of business conduct and ethics that are expected to promote high standards of compliance and integrity. This Code is applicable to all Company employees, officers and directors, including non-employee directors. While this Code cannot possibly guide every practice related to ethical behavior, it includes certain specific concepts and practices regarding business conduct that deserve particular emphasis.

Violation of this Code may subject you to disciplinary action, up to and including suspension and/or termination of employment.


If you have any questions concerning this Code, please feel free to consult with your supervisor or the Legal advisors.


If a situation should arise where you believe that you should take a course of action that would likely result in a violation of the Code, but for which you believe that there is a valid reason for such action, you should contact the Company’s counsel to seek a waiver prior to the time such action is taken.

This Code will be distributed to all employees upon employment and at least annually thereafter. Each employee must confirm that he or she has received and read the Code and has complied with its terms.

The Company may amend this Code from time to time for any reason. The most current version of this Code can be obtained from the Company’s counsel

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Executive Office: 1013, Centre Road,ST403-A Wilmington, DE 19805 +30 210 459 9741 email:
Petrogress Inc © 2016-2019